Saturday, January 31, 2009

Trying out the Bebepod

So we bought a Bebepod infant seat for Chloe today. She seemed to really like it and was surprised and confused at first by sitting up with out mom and dad's help. Chloe is getting stronger but still got a little tired after holding herself up for a while.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday Details

We're going to measure her tonight because she seems so much bigger this week, a growth spurt maybe:)
On our way to walk another mall, it's cold outside and that seems like the best/only option to get out and about. Chloe is wearing a barrette because it's cute and because with the green and brown stroller and yellow outfit, she won't be called a boy again!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Snow Day

Well it's -3 with wind chill today and we're hangin out inside. Chloe got her hair done (by me of course) and is trying to give me the satisfaction of smiling for the camera. We're getting there:)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

"Rattle me this Batman"

She's using both hands and getting a good look at this circular rattle.
Chloe is holding her ring rattle for the first time tonight!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hair Dos

Two different days and two different dos. Mom couldn't resist the barrette and dad couldn't resist the mohawk. :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fun taking pictures today

I had some fun taking pictures of Chloe this afternoon. She was having a great time playing on the blanket in between all our activities. It is 71 degrees today, we spent time walking around Wash Park, going to the bank & WalMart and doing lots of housework while in the sling and of course lots of cuddling, smiling and playing. It does not feel like winter here at all.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Another day, another sling

Today Chloe tried out another sling. She really likes to face forward to watch everything that happens. And of course she has to have that arm out there like always:)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Friend and hat!

Chloe got a new sun hat today. We do live in the state with 300 days of sunshine a year!
Our friend Natalie is here visiting from Texas. Natalie and I were actually in AmeriCorps together 7 years ago. She brought those cute little baby legs for Chloe. Chloe looks huge but Natalie is just small;)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

On the way out

We were on our way to walk Wash Park today but then after I went outside I decided that we would walk the mall instead, it was a bit too cold. But she had the sweet skull and cross bones beanie on anyways.


Keekee hasn't been getting much attention lately so dad took her picture too:)
Some more tummy time.

Here is Chloe on her way to a mom's meet up. We hung out with a few moms and kids this morning. It was fun and a nice change of pace. And if you remember what those jeans looked like a month ago you will notice that they finally fit and look soooo cute.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Tummy Time

She's getting so strong!

Making Chili Sunday Night

I think Chloe is taking some notes:)
Dad thought it was pretty awesome that mom and Chloe were making chili together. Good thing too because today there is a bunch of snow on the ground, perfect chili weather!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Info

We took Chloe to the Dr. on Friday and she weighs 12 pounds 5 ounces that makes the 85%, she's 23 inches long at the 80%, and her head circumference is the 75%. We've got a healthy girl growing up. Oh, she's watching the football game this morning, seriously she's watching the tv, she loves football.
Dad and Chloe after another soothing bath, they both look pretty relaxed.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Saturday good times.

Our friend LJ came over for some football, beer and of course to see Chloe. He met her a while ago but we forgot to get his picture. So here ya go:)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sling Time

With daddy being in Cheyenne again this week I have been taking care of Chloe on my own. It's fun and amazing in a new way but I needed desperately to figure out how to get my hands free when she wants to be next to me. So last night at La Leche League a woman told me about a different way to have Chloe in the sling. Her son, like Chloe, didn't like being in the sling in the cradle position. So today I tried this way and Chloe is all about it! I've been doing some boring tasks and Chloe has been able to be right up next to me the whole time. It's awesome!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Friday, January 2, 2009

C is for Chloe...

Dad and Chloe after a bath with her new onsie from Uncle Tyler.
...and B is for Bob :)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Aunt Karen and Uncle Vin in Alaska sent Chloe her very own Alaska outfit. It's a little blurry but the outfit says Alaska all over it and there are Alaskan dogs on it too. How cute! Although she kicked those little booties off about 3 minutes after they were on:)