Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday at the Zoo

Chloe was called a "glamour girl" by another mom at the zoo:)
Chloe and dada in the parking lot. We all had a good time!

It was a little cold today (only about 40) but we bundled up and headed to the zoo. The elephants were inside so we got an up close visit with them.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Fun with Nama Con't.

Thanks for coming to visit us Gramma! We had such a wonderful time, it was sad to see you leave but we are already looking forward to seeing you again! We love you.
Three generations, I just love Chloe's smile in this one, we all have the same great smile:) Chloe got a new Elmo from the Children's Museum. It took the place of her teddy, she won't let it go. Even tried to take it into the tub last night. But gramma had to tell us about it because we were out on a date night! We went to see the movie Valentine's Day, it was really good. Probably even better because it has been about a year and a half since we went to the movie theatre, it was awesome. Thanks for watching Chloe! That was the longest we had ever left Chloe before, 3 hours, and it went well all around.
Afterwards we had another awesome lunch at Watercourse! Chloe loved drinking Nama's Arnold Palmer, hibiscus tea and lemonade drink.
Dada even fit into the cottage and played with a puppet frog with Chloe.
Chloe looks like The Amazing Shrinking Woman!
Chloe likes to climb up into the chairs, rock and read a book.
Gramma and Chloe playing with the sliding puzzles.

Gramma and Chloe checking out the pond area.
Friday we all went to the Children's Museum. Even with all the toys there Chloe couldn't let go of her teddy.
Friday morning Gramma and Chloe had matching outfits, they looked to cute. Chloe has on her new pink flower power outfit.
Then the princess got a daddy horsey ride. Chloe is wearing a new outfit, peace pants are so cute!
Thursday night we had a family band show. We all had instruments, a piano, tambourine, maracas and a microphone. We had a good show:)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Visit From Nama Kneifl:)

We went to lunch at our fave Watercourse for lunch. Chloe knows who gramma is and calls her by name, either nama or nana!
Thursday we headed out to Tumbling class. Chloe has so much fun doing forward rolls, balance beam and lots of running around.

We worked on kicking on the kick board, Chloe liked it.

She also likes their pool toys. It's a hard decision but she usually ends up with the Elmo and something else for the other hand.
Chloe really likes swimming and also tries to drink some of the pool water:)
Wednesday night we had swim class. Here we are circled up getting ready for our opening song.
After we shopped til we dropped we had lunch at CPK again, it's our fave. Chloe enjoyed coloring and eating lunch with us.
She needed to hold onto Gramma's arm for safety.

It stared moving around and she wasn't so sure about it.
Wednesday morning we went to the mall and Chloe had to ride the Nascar car.

Chloe was sitting on Gramma's lap sending some text;)

We are so happy Gramma came to visit us. She got here Tuesday morning. After we got her from the airport we went to lunch at CPK then played on the playground at the mall. Here they are that afternoon snuggling up on the couch after Chloe's nap.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sunday Fun and Yoga Monday

Monday after yoga, we are cleaning up all the goldfish crackers the kids spilled everywhere. But at least it kept them busy so we could exercise:)
Now Chloe is just showing off!

We were getting my yoga mat ready for Monday's yoga session/play date and Chloe had to test it out. She is so good at downward dog;)

Chloe liked to run around whipping the socks out in front of her.
Sunday morning Chloe got to wear dad's socks, they're tucked under her feet right now. She thought it was pretty fun.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fun Times!

This afternoon we went to a fun play date at Dalila's home. Chloe tried on Dalila's cowgirl hat that she got at the stock show rodeo.

Last night we had our first swim class as well. It was very fun. Chloe loves the water and got to meet some new kids. She really likes the motor boat song :)

Chloe running around and making her way back to the mats. Chloe was really good at the balance beam. She held my hands but was really steady and really fast, go figure;)
Chloe crawling through the mats. There is a bar behind the mat where she hung on, swung back and forth and even touched her toes to the bar and swung back and forth. Kevin is the instructor in the black shirt, he was so patient and supportive.

Chloe is climbing up getting ready to do a forward roll down the red mat.
This morning was Chloe's first tumbling class. It was so much fun. Chloe ran around and checked everything out and even tried some real gymnastics. Here she is about to climb up the blocks.

They are just so cute:)
Here are Chloe and Fin playing so nicely beside each other Tuesday night. It was our turn to watch Fin while his parents went out.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Past Few Days

Something must be on her finger from the looks she's giving her hand?.
Chloe got 3 new ducks today. She likes to carry them all at once. Could make a good waitress as a part time job during college;)

Our Monday and Tuesday activities were cancelled because it's too cold to be outside. But we have been having a good time together anyways:)

Sunday, getting a horsey ride from dada, I think they are both tired.
Sunday morning, our lil book worm.
Saturday night, Chloe loves to stand on chairs just about as much as she likes to be nakey:)

This must have been Fri or Sat. Chloe was having a lot of fun digging through her toys.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Fun Opening Valentines

Farley Farts is now daddy and Chloe's new favorite book! They both like to push the fart button, at least I think that's the button;)
Chloe just loves her Animal Kisses book. We read it together at least 4 times last night:)

Thank you to Gramma and Grandpa S for the card and books. Chloe can now enjoy opening her gifts too.

Chloe really likes getting cards in the mail and the musical ones are so much fun. She danced to it at least 10 times in a row:)

Thank you to Gramma and Grandpa K for the musical card and money. Chloe will use her money for a tumbling class! It starts next Thursday morning. We're really looking forward to it. The extra will go towards the swim class which also starts next week but is an evening class on Mondays and Wednesdays. Her first class for that is Wednesday since Monday is a holiday.