Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tour of the midwest:)

And when Chloe would sing happy birthday it was to Uncle Rich and Andrea:) And just saying Happy Birthday Rich would come out as Happy Rich:) What a fun evening!
Monday we went over to Rich and Andrea's to celebrate Uncle Rich's birthday! Chloe got to play like old times, running around outside, having a dance party, doing somersaults, playing with the dogs, and even tried out the tread mill :)

Then we all headed back to Brigett's where she cooked for us again, at least Chloe helped this time:) We had such a fun long weekend road trip! Thanks for all the great memories.
Tyler entertaining with some Cinderella on the computer.
All the kids at the party.
Chloe and Gramma playing their own version of rock band:)
Some bonding time with Great Gramma.
Chloe snuck in their 5 generation photo:)
Brig and Chloe checking out the cows while Uncle Merlin is feeding them. Chloe had fun feeding and petting them.
4 Generations!
All four girls played the entire day and night together, it was awesome!
Saturday morning Gramma came over and we all headed up to Minnesota for Great Gramma's 87th birthday! Here are Chloe and her cousins, Maddie, Maggie and Macy playing so nicely all together.
Chloe and I took fun road trip together this past weekend. First we headed off to Aunt Brigett and Cousin Tyler's house on Friday afternoon. I got an afternoon at the salon while the rest of them got ice cream and played at the park. Then we headed out to Spencer to watch the Tornadoes win their football game where Chloe made a fast friend, Ellie.
Also we want to wish Aunt Cori and Uncle Todd a happy belated birthday! We love you:)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

At the car wash...

Chloe had so much fun washing the cars, she loves the bubbles the most.
Last night Chloe was Daddy's little helper. She helped him wash his truck, then when daddy washed mommy's mini van Chloe decided that she should wash her car too. And her clothes got wet so of course they had to come off but the necklace stayed on:)
Today Chloe was playing in the kitchen and I was in the other room when I heard "Mommy what are you doing?" to which I replied "putting away some clothes" then Chloe said "I miss you" and I laughed and said "well I miss you too" then I went back to the kitchen and Chloe then said "I love you" and naturally I said "I love you too Chloe".
Her other favorite things to say are "rock the baby" either when she's holding her baby doll or when I'm holding her. And "I like corn" and when sitting in the clothes basket "I'm on a boat" and while looking out the window at night, "where's my moon, where'd it go?" all of which makes us giggle.
I have not been trying to potty train Chloe yet but we do talk about it when she shows interest or has questions. So this week Chloe used her potty chair three times! The first time she got out of the shower and while standing there started to go pee pee on the floor so I put her on the chair and she finished. Then the second time, same scenario, except she ran to the chair herself! Then the 3rd time she got into the shower and asked me to take her out so she could go potty, excitedly I took her out and she ran to her chair and went potty. We celebrate every time and the last time she kept pointing to the pee pee, smiling and clapping:)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Another fun week in the life of Chloe:)

Today we met with a new meet up group that is specifically for families in Ankeny, I am super excited about making new play date friends in town. We got a ton of things done on the to do list including ordering her birthday cakes! It's creeping up on me fast, I can't believe that my little baby will be two in 6 weeks!
Chloe still loves her sweet corn, so far this week she has ate 8 pieces of corn on the cob and it's only Wednesday!

A little dress up before bed:) Story time was cancelled this week but we've been reading a lot of Halloween books at home to make up for it.

We've had a very busy and fun week so far. On Monday we went to a Fisher Price play date at Angela's house, she has a baby, a 3yo boy and a daughter in school. There were a lot of kids Chloe's age and older there and she had fun playing with them!
Chloe loves her pink car jammies and wouldn't get out of them if it were up to her:)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Weekend Update

Chloe asked Tyler to sit in her chair and then she would sit on the car for the picture, took a lot and this was the best because she moves too fast, Tyler did a great job though:)
Sunday we were back at home to have Aunt Brigett and Cousin Tyler over for lunch after their trip to KC.

Chloe and Dave stuck the 60 confetti on their noses and thought it was soooo funny!

Saturday late morning we headed to Storm Lake to help Grandpa S celebrate at his 60th birthday party at Kings Point. Chloe had so much fun dancing and when the band would take a break that is the only time that she would only take a break and rehydrate. We danced for 4 hours! What a fun party!

And lets call it a wrap.

Friday we were playing outside and she gathered all of her things and my things and asked to have a photo shoot! She took me inside and started posing in the living room:) She was too funny and I know she would get upset if I didn't post the results, so here they are (well maybe half of them anyways:)

Stylin while eating breakfast.
Chloe got a new princess head band and this is how she prefers to wear it:)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Thursday Smiles

It was a cool 60 some degree day and we loved it! Chloe got wear her new sweat suit outfit and light em up shoes from Gramma K. All the mom's at the play date wanted to know where her shoes came from:) Since daddy had to work late we spent the evening at the park playing and walking the trails. On our way home we walked the trail, ran the trail, walked backwards and even did the moon walk, Chloe thought that was hilarious!
Today we went to a play date at Larissa and Amanda's home. We have been there before and had a fun time playing with them. Chloe's immediately found Amanda's stuffed kitty toy and kept a hold of her the whole time:)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Little Miss Manners

And she still loves to wear my shoes around the house, these are the loudest ones, go figure!
Chloe loves to wear her jewelry! She got some sticker ear rings and those lasted a whole 5 minutes:)
Chloe and I have really enjoyed our new home. We used to be on the go at all times and now we have started to relax and enjoy ourselves without having to be out and about all the time. We still do our sign language story time, go on play dates and different activities, but we also love to play at home, play in the backyard, go on walks, go to the park, cook, eat and Chloe has become quite the little helper too, always lending a hand:) She enjoys telling her family and friends that she loves them and now will tell them that she misses you too. Her manners are amazing, always saying please, thank you and excuse me. Chloe is such a sweet little girl.....well most of the time;)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Go Bears!

A win, we'll take it:)
Through out the game Chloe was cheering "go Bears" and "go go go!"

IA vs IA State

At half time Chloe had a wardrobe change (compliments to Gramma S) and by the looks on Uncle Tyler's face the game wasn't going as he liked:(
Girls Rule!!!!!!!
Rebecca and Tyler came over to watch the game with us. We had such a fun time! We might have to make this a tradition:)
Go Herky!
Say cheeeeeese:)
We were getting ready for the big IA vs IA State game and Chloe new just how to sit in her knew cheerleader outfit:) Thank you Rebecca for getting Chloe this dress, I love it (and so does Chloe)!

Friday, September 10, 2010

The end of the week

Friday Chloe has a bit of the sniffles and sneezes so we took it easy going to the store and preparing some food for tomorrow's big game. Here she is in the cute outfit from Gramma S.
Chloe picked out some new Halloween jammies and got to wear them last night. I forgot that they were glow in the dark and did a double take when I turned out the lights:)

Thursday evening after Uncle Rich won at his work bowling tournament, he brought over the grand prize for Chloe. It was a bouquet of tootsie pops! He knew that those are her favorite treat right now:)
Here she is in her yoga outfit from Brigett and brown shoes from Gramma K.
Chloe is such a sweet heart :) She loves to get ready with me in the mornings, she sits on the bathroom counter top and gets ready, brushing her teeth, flossing (which is her fave) combing her hair, cleaning her ears, and tries to sneak my deodorant and make up on too!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tuesday and Wednesday

Today we had story time at the library. We had to register for this session, no more drop ins during the school year. We hadn't gone in a while and Chloe was shy, yup Chloe was shy, hard to imagine but true. Here is another cute outfit from Brig, Chloe didn't even want to put on jammies tonight she liked it so much:)
Tuesday we had to catch up on all the "to do's" from the long weekend. Chloe was such a great sport during the long day of errands. Then we were so happy to spend the afternoon with Uncle Rich, it was perfect weather to play and relax outside.
Everyone has been so generous in building Chloe's wardrobe so I feel like I need to point out the out fits when she wears them so you all can remember what you got her and how stylin she looks:) Here is one from Brig and the ugg style boots from Gramma K, too cute!