Monday, February 28, 2011

Baby #2 Dr's Appointment Schenanigans!

I went to my 1st Dr's appointment for baby #2 this afternoon and probably needless to say it was very eventful:) First of all right when I get there I realize that I don't have my insurance card because I gave it to Jason on Friday so he could go to Urgent Care and to get a piece of metal picked out of his eye and we forgot about the card and there it remains. After talking through it with the receptionist, I called him at work to get the numbers off of the card but of course he can't hear me. So here I am yelling at him on the phone in the waiting room all the while Chloe has found the toy box and is now hammering everything in sight including the windows, chairs and floor. By the time we actually get into see the Dr., Chloe has chugged her entire juice and has to go potty not just once but twice.
More importantly during the appointment we found out the due date and it is September 28th! Just in time to be sandwiched by Rich and Gramma C. :) The Dr. couldn't find the heart beat today, something about me having a tilted uterus, sorry if that's tmi, and said that we will need to come back in a week to check again. On our way out I had to schedule my next appointment and of course I forgot my planner and am stammering over what days and times will work. At the same time Chloe has found her favorite tool again and is hammering repairs all over the office. Did I mention that this was all during what should have been Chloe's nap time?! So I had that on my side too;) Yup, pretty awesome appointment! I hope to be a little more prepared in a week but I'm not making any promises. I guess this is just the beginning of how things will be "different" this time around!

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