We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend. We were so happy to be able to spend yet another holiday with family. We love you all!

After our delicious Easter feast and nap:)

Andrea helping Chloe out with her eggs.

They were filled with princess necklaces, bracelets,and socks!

Time to see what's inside!

And one over by the rocks.

Running is more her pace;)

Found another one by the turtle.

Chloe did great and had a blast doing the egg hunt!

While we were at church the Easter Bunny came and hid eggs! Rich and Andrea also arrived too;) The Easter Bunny had an egg hanging from the tree, how creative!

Chloe and gramma looking pretty together!

In motion while dancing:)

Sunday morning all dressed up for church!

Rich and Andrea came over Saturday night too. Here is Chloe doing Andrea's hair:)

Aunt Andrea shared her lip stick with Chloe and you know how Chloe likes lots of layers:) I think she even found her earrings in her purse and is trying to wear them too! Chloe is wearing her new dress from gramma and grandpa Smith, they got it while on vacation in Mexico!

Gramma and Grandpa Kneifl arrived Saturday evening when Chloe and daddy returned. Here is Chloe with her Easter gifts.

Chloe had so much fun, she asked when she could go back to gramma's house again!

Chloe and gramma coloring Easter eggs!

Thursday night Uncle Rich came over and brought along a huge Easter bunny for Chloe. She had so much fun playing. And yes, here are Rich, Chloe and the bunny all in the castle together:)
Friday we went to Marissa and Kelsey's house for a pre-Easter play date/ Easter egg hunt. Chloe had so much fun finding her green eggs. All the kids were assigned a color and they got to find those specific eggs. That way they all got the same amount. I thought that was a creative genius idea from Judi.
Then Friday late afternoon when daddy got home, he and Chloe went on their first road trip together and had their first over night away from mommy! It was a big deal around here as this was our first over night away from each other. They went to Storm Lake and stayed at Gramma and Grandpa Smith's home. They played with gramma's Barbie, colored Easter eggs, Chloe got an Easter basket with candy and a very cute, bunny apron and over mit. They said they had a great time and there weren't any issues and Chloe was perfect! Yay! I had a wonderful time too. I was sad to say good bye but I wasn't wasting any time dwelling on their departure. I went shopping, out to the movies, stayed up late watching tv, and read my book. But since I am who I am, I also did laundry, got groceries, cleaned the house, cooked for Easter and woke up early. But what a wonderful break for me and a great time for Chloe to spend alone time with daddy and her grandparents.
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