Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cooper's Stats and Stuff!

Cooper had his 2 month Dr's appointment today and he is a healthy and happy boy!  Here are the specifics, I always love finding out what his stats are:)

Height; 24 inches, 88%
Weight; 14lbs 4oz, 87%
Head; 16in, 88%

Cooper really is such a good baby, we love him to pieces.  He is making lots of eye contact these days and it just melts my heart.  He talks a lot and loud too:)  Cooper loves to smile and I have to say that his smile is so charming.  Cooper still loves to sleep, taking naps all day long with no real schedule, just awake for an hour or so and napping for an hour or two then awake for an hour or so and so on and so forth.  He sleeps awesome at night too, about 11-12 hours total.  Cooper usually gets in one long stretch anywhere from 3 hours or like last night 6 hours straight then wakes every hour and a half after the long stretch to eat until morning time which is usually around 8-9am.  I'm loving it:)

Chloe has adjusted quite well too.  It took some time but she is going with the flow at home now.  She is mommy's best helper, gets me things, goes with me to change his diaper, helps with bath time, anything I need help with she is right there to help me out.  She just loves him so much and wants to hug, kiss and play with him ALL the time! It gets a little tricky when family and friends come over because a lot of the attention goes to the baby and she's not used to that at all and will find ways to get their attention if you know what I mean! 

Jason and I have adjusted to having two kids with ease.  We divvy up the responsibilities and are always busy with one or both, there isn't much down time now:) With me being the primary caretaker of Cooper, Chloe has developed a new level of love and admiration for her daddy.  It makes my heart swell to see their relationship develop like it has. 

I am one lucky lady.

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