Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday Cooking Party

Some of the prepared food, can't remember what the dish is called but also can't wait to get it tomorrow.
Cary's turn to watch the babies!

Chloe and Noah playing.

The babies and Donny,an 11 year old that Theresa was watching.

Today a couple of us decided to cook a huge amount of dinner food to then be split up among us. Some would cook and some would watch the babies. Well, it was a crazy, chaotic time and the food still isn't done! Cary is going to finish up tonight and Theresa and I are going to pick it up tomorrow. The babies had fun playing with each other all day.
Noah would have pushed Chloe around in the wagon all day if i would have continued to turn the wagon around when he would get to the end of the room. Chloe really liked riding too. fin is in the back playing in the exersaucer.

Friday morning standing! Chloe pulled herself up to standing and stayed there for quite some time. She was having a good time looking around at that level and I'm not so sure she knew how to get herself back down:)

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