Saturday, December 12, 2009

Holiday Party and Zoo LIghts

Chloe on our way back to the car. She had a really fun time tonight!
The sign outside the zoo.

Mama and Chloe in front of the giraffes and zebras, mama's fave.

Dada and Chloe in front of the gorilla, dada's favorite.

A cool animal, light up display.

Dada and Chloe in front of the bright, bold lights. Chloe stayed nice and cozy in the stroller all bundled up.

Mama and Chloe in front of the North Pole

Dada and Chloe in front of the changing lights.

Saturday night we went to see the Zoo Lights. We all had a great time and were really impressed at the display, it was so awesome. Chloe would dance in her stroller to the music playing and say ooh and aah at the lights!

Dada and Chloe posing in the hallway, Chloe ran back and forth the hallway for at least a good hour.

Mama and Chloe trying to get a holiday photo.

Friday night our building had a holiday party with apps, drinks, dinner and dessert. It was really good food and no cooking, cleaning nor paying for it was even better;) Chloe was a big hit again. Linda the manager was carrying her around showing her off to all the residents. We tried so hard to get a Christmas picture of Chloe in front of the tree. It was really hard, took over 30 pictures and only had one argument, lol!

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