Friday, October 1, 2010

The rest of the week...

Tonight Chloe and I took a test run at the cup cakes we might be making for her birthday party. They were very delicious, Chloe's fave was the frosting:)
Chloe drinking her yogurt smoothie while watching dada work on the yard.

Jason went to work early and got off early to come home and trim the hedges! The left is the before and the right is the after! It looks amazing and I'm sure our neighbors will approve;)
On Wednesday we had a fun time at story time, Chloe really warmed up this week and was interacting with the other kids, participating in the sign language and singing and dancing to the good bye song. Then we had Uncle Rich and Aunt Andrea over for Rich's birthday dinner, it was a fun night with food and family!
We've been trying to stay inside for at least half of the day lately because Chloe might have allergies, at least she has all the symptoms. So she has found new ways of entertaining herself:) Chloe has also continued to go potty on the potty chair 1-3 times a day, pretty awesome!

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