Monday, May 21, 2012

Weekends Rule!

 We had such a fun weekend!  It kicked off Friday night with dinner and lots of playing at our friends, the Petersen's, house.  It's so nice to have the kids play outside all night!  Then Saturday morning we enjoyed several hours of farmer's market, some garage sale shopping and lunch.  When we got home Jason said, "We only drove 10 miles!".  I replied, "That's one of the many reasons I love living in Ankeny! We had to go nearly 10 miles just to get to our parking space in Denver;)". 

Then Saturday afternoon Aunt Brigett and Cousin Annie came over for date night!  Chloe was so excited to have them both here to play with.  I have to say it was so nice to have Annie playing with Chloe because that left my sister and I some time to chat with each other!  Jason and I had a wonderful night out together including dinner and a movie.  Chloe loved playing, going out to supper, shopping, going out for ice cream, making bracelets and more playing!  Thanks so much for staying and watching Chloe. All 3 of us really appreciated everything!

Chloe took this cute pic of Aunt Brig:)
 Chloe and Cousin Annie, so sweet and so much fun!
Silly faces on adorable girls!

1 comment:

Anne Johnson said...

When can I come up again holly?!?! (: