Saturday, February 5, 2011

End of the week stuff.

Chloe kept singing Happy Birthday to Daddy while we were making it, I guess because this is the cake we made for him a couple weeks ago for his birthday, it was cute:)
We made our favorite, made from scratch carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, recipe from Gramma K. This one turned out 100% tastier than the last one we made, it's soooo yummy!

Friday we all got suited up to do some baking.
We had a great end of the week. First we found out that Chloe got into preschool for fall 2011! She will be going to Triad where she has gymnastics currently so it should be an easy transition given she is so comfortable going there already. It will be 2.5 hours, 3 times a week, a great beginning for both of us:) Chloe is already really excited. After touring the classroom and talking with a teacher, she asked to go to school for days afterwards. We are looking forward to this next step although I get a little teary just thinking about it.
Thursday we went to music class where Chloe continues to have a blast. She has so much fun, we both look forward to this part of the week. Chloe sings the songs at home and enjoys listening to her music cd she got from class as well.
Thursday evening Uncle Rich came over to play. They always have fun together and this time was no exception. They were making shadows on the wall, Chloe was making a princess Chloe shadow and would hi-five her, hug her, and kiss her:) Then there was some fort fun where Rich would bump his head on the roof and that alone would make Chloe laugh a deep belly laugh and ask for more:)

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