Thursday, February 10, 2011

Our busy week.

Oh and hugging it:)
Today Chloe got a Valentine's from a friend in the mail today. She was so excited, holding it up in the air, looking at it, kissing it and saying thank you friend.

Chloe has been into stacking anything and everything and climbing to the top.

Monday we went to gymnastics like usual and had a blast like usual:) Tuesday Chloe had so much fun at open gym. She saw her friend John from gymnastics there, her friend Charlie from music and her friends Ethan, Blake and Reid from the mom's group there too. Chloe made a new friend, Jackson, who like to play chase with Chloe. That meant that Chloe chased him while they both screamed and laughed! It was so great to get some energy out. Wednesday we went to story time at the library and Chloe saw John there again, three days in a row and I think he is her new favorite:) Today we had a good time at music class. Chloe is signing her songs at home now too.

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